It is the year in which Apollo XI sets off on his journey to the moon and the student unrest spills over to Prague and Spain, when the bc Club is founded in 1969 at the Technische Hochschule Ilmenau. In the meantime, Mars is being explored more closely, employees demonstrate, Ilmenau is a university town and the days when bc guests had to leave their identity card number at the entrance are also over. The bc club's claim to distance itself from the ubiquitous chart music and to cover a wider range of music - especially niche areas - and to always be open to new things has remained. With numerous performances by national and international bands, the bc has made a name for itself as a live club in Ilmenau; in addition to the club concerts, DJ performances, readings and theme evenings are also an integral part of the programme. The cultural spectrum of the bc also extends to monthly events such as film evenings ("cinema with living room atmosphere") or the wine evening, where the bc turns into a small "bodega" on the first Sunday of every month. The bc club not only has the right atmosphere for celebrating, but also offers a cosy ambience for extended conversations thanks to its many seating arrangements. Completely run and supported by volunteer members - mainly students - everyone at the bc can contribute and implement their ideas and thus help shape student life in Ilmenau.
The bc is a change from everyday student life with music, conversation and drinking culture.
Ibiza Club Vibes
Wir holen Ibiza zu uns in den Keller! Mit EDM, House, Trance und vielem mehr entführen wir euch auf die Party-Insel.
Also kommt vorbei und genießt unsere Drinks, während ihr feiert wie in einer Sommernacht in Spanien - nur halt im Februar und in Ilmenau.
We're bringing Ibiza to our basement! With EDM, house, trance and much more, we'll take you away to the party island.
So come along and enjoy our drinks while you party like it's a summer night in Spain - only in February and in Ilmenau.
Heute gibt es Indie-Rock! Mit "independent" hat das zwar inzwischen oft nicht mehr viel zu tun,
aber wir haben trotzdem unseren Spaß an diesem Genre.
Euch erwartet Musik von Kraftklub, Leoniden, Heisskalt, der Alex Mofa Gang und vielen anderen!
Today we have indie rock! It often doesn't have much to do with ‘independent’ anymore,
but we still have fun with this genre.
You can expect music from Kraftklub, Leoniden, Heisskalt, Alex Mofa Gang and many more!
F*** V-Day
: Willkommen zur befreiendsten Valentinstags-Party des Jahres! Wir öffnen die Tore unseres Clubs, um mit dir zu feiern, dass du deinen Ex endlich losgeworden bist. Schluss mit herzzerreißenden Liebesgeschichten – heute ist die Nacht, um dein Single-Dasein zu feiern und die Freiheit zu genießen!
Die Dancefloor ist bereit für dich und deine Freunde, um die Nacht durchzutanzen und das Single-Dasein zu feiern. Vergiss den Valentinstag, denn heute dreht sich alles um dich und die Freude, die du in deinem Leben verdienst.
Details zu Specials folgen!
: Welcome to the most liberating Valentine's Day party of the year! We're opening the doors of our club to celebrate you finally getting rid of your ex. No more heartbreaking love stories - tonight is the night to celebrate your single life and enjoy your freedom!
The dancefloor is ready for you and your friends to dance the night away and celebrate being single. Forget Valentine's Day, because today is all about you and the joy you deserve in your life.
Information about specials will follow!
Die Überstunde
Am Mittwoch läuten wir die "Überstunde" ein – den perfekten Start in den Feierabend! Ab 17:00 Uhr öffnen wir unsere Türen für alle Studenten und Uni-Mitarbeiter, die nach einem langen Tag eine gemütliche Auszeit suchen. Genießt euer wohlverdientes Feierabendbier in entspannter Atmosphäre, tauscht euch über den Tag aus und lasst den Abend gemeinsam ausklingen. Dazu gibt's die besten Beats, um euch in Feierlaune zu versetzen.
On Wednesday, we ring in the "overtime" - the perfect start to the end of the day! From 5 pm, we open our doors to all students and university staff looking for a cozy break after a long day. Enjoy your well-deserved after-work beer in a relaxed atmosphere, talk about the day and let the evening come to an end together. There'll be the best beats to get you in the party mood.
Goa Hard or Goa Home
Willkommen zu der Party, die euch in andere Sphären befördert.
Unser DJ wird die Nacht mit einem Mix aus Psytrance, Goa Trance und progressiven Beats zum Leben erwecken.
Welcome to the party, that will help you transcend to other spheres.
Our DJ will bring the night to life, with a mix of psytrance, goa trance and progressive beats.
It's not just a phase, mom!
Egal ob Pop-Punk, Nu-Metal, Emo oder einfach nur die Musik eurer Jugend: Heute wird es ein bisschen edgy.
Also kommt vorbei, bringt eure Freunde mit und taucht in eine Szene ab, die vielleicht doch nicht nur eine Phase war.
Whether it's pop-punk, nu-metal, emo or just the music from your teenage years: Today it's going to get a bit edgy.
So come on over, bring your friends along and dive into a scene, that was perhaps not just a phase after all.